Our Services
Exercise Prescription
To encourage the maintenance of a physically capable musculoskeletal system throughout daily life, we may recommend a tailored exercise and strengthening protocol.
Exercise programs to increase muscle control and flexibility
At Bayside Health Professionals, we focus on a holistic approach to healthcare which includes exercise and stretching prescription.
Your chiropractors will develop exercise programs designed to increase muscle power, joint stabilisation, improve flexibility or assist with muscle recovery.
Stretching programs may also be prescribed depending on your condition. These can be beneficial for a variety of acute or chronic issues, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, jaw pain, shoulder girdle problems, wrist and elbow problems, arthritis, hip problems, and the effects of ageing.
To make an appointment or find out more information about our stretching or exercise programs call 07 3245 4177 or book online.
Our dispensary stocks an extensive range of high-quality, nutritional and botanical medicines and ancillary/rehab devices including foam rollers, pillows, roller balls, analgesic sprays and rubs and rocktape which can also assist in muscle recovery and pain relief.
All our chiropractors are trained in exercise prescription
Dr Ben Lawrance
MChir, BSc
Dr Jacqui Gaibor
Chiropractor, Nutritionist
MChir, GradDipNutr, BMedSc, DipNutr, DipBotMed
Dr Harry Fang
MChir, BSc